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Body Parts
Parts for frame and body Ford Model-T 1909 - 1927
Reference: A-16070-B
Piping tape black for fenders 25 foot roll (7m) Ford Model T Ford Model A
Reference: A-16750-RI
Rivet set 9/16-1/4 (1.4x6mm) Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-17508-SS-12V
Wiper motor stainless steel 12V Ford Model-T all closed vehicles Ford Model-A 1928-1931 all closed vehicles
Reference: A-17508-SS-6V
Wiper motor stainless steel 6V Ford Model-T all closed vehicles Ford Model-A 1928-1931 all closed vehicles
Reference: A-17528-C
Wiper blade black with cotter pin hole 210 mm Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-17655-AR
Wiper/wiper blade chrome with manual operation Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-18651-Q4
Brass rivet set 1.4 x 6 mm for nameplate Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-18652-Q4
Brass rivet set 2.0 x 10 mm for nameplate Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-18653-Q12
Notch nails / rivet set for nameplate with 12 rivets Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-18654
Nameplate/data plate for chassis number with notched nails Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931 Universally usable
Reference: A-18655
Nameplate/data plate for chassis number with notched pin Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931 Universally usable
Reference: A-351000
Wing nut chrome 3/8-24 for window frame Ford Model-T 1923-1927 open vehicles Ford Model-A 1928-1931 open vehicles
Reference: A-35710
Interior door release button Ford Model T 1926-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1929
Reference: A-36235-CF
Masking Tape / Nail Tape Black Faux Leather sold per. meter Ford Model T Ford Model A Ford Model B
Reference: A-37105-F-Q1
Metal eyelet for hood Ford Model T 1926-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-37105-F-Q10
Metal eyelet set of 10 for canopy Ford Model T 1926-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-37105-Q1
Push button for side curtain Ford Model T 1926-1927 Ford Model A 1928-193
Reference: A-37105-T
Tool for riveting the metal eyelets A-37105 Ford Model T 1926-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Unfortunately can not be ordered at this time!
Reference: A-37106-T
copy of A-37106-FS
Push button tool Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-37158-Q2
Windshield frame pivot bolt set Ford Model-T 1921-1927 all open vehicles Ford Model-A 1928-1931 all open vehicles
Reference: A-37708-STD
Button for canopy linkage black 1-1/2" diameter 7/16"-14 UNC square nut Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1930-1931
Reference: A-42150-B
Bracket for belts on bonnet (nickel) Ford Model T 1916-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-42150-MB-Q8
Chrome bolt set for retaining bracket Ford Model T 1916-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-47301-TA
Body nails drilled galvanized 2x22mm pack of 100 pieces Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Unfortunately can not be ordered at this time!
Reference: A-47301-TC
copy of A-47301-TSS
Harpoon nails for rain gutters / decorative strips pack of 100. Ford Model-T all closed vehicles Ford Model-A 1928-1931 closed vehicles
Reference: A-47303-A-Q1
End cap for nail tape nickel finish Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-47303-A-Q10
End cap set of 10 for nail tape nickel finish Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-47303-A-Q4
End cap set for nail tape nickel finish Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-47305-Q1
Nail tape vinyl black (sold per meter) Ford Model T 1909-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-48105-A
Right window regulator with 3-hole mounting Ford Model-T 1926-1927 Coupe and Tudor Sedan Ford Model-A 1928-1931 Coupes, Tudors and Pickups
Reference: A-48106-A
Left window regulator with 3-hole mounting Ford Model-T 1926-1927 Coupe and Tudor Sedan Ford Model-A 1928-1931 Coupes, Tudors and Pickups
Reference: A-61206
Lock cylinder with 2 keys Ford Model T 1920-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931 Ford Model-B and V8 1932-1948
Reference: A-702780-A
Window regulator crank with fastening bolt Ford Model T 1915-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-702780-MB
Bolt set for outside door handles Ford Model T 1926-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: A-8213-MB
Bolt set for emblem on the radiator Ford Model T 1917-1927 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: PP7
Model T Ford Patent Plate - Aluminum Finish
Unfortunately can not be ordered at this time!
Reference: T-162592-L
Brass brackets for belts on the hood and top straps Ford Model T 1909-1916
Reference: T-162592-X
Bracket (black) for straps on the hood and top straps Ford Model T 1909-1916 Ford Model A 1928-1931
Reference: T-18000-KT
Complete set of speedometer with shaft and drive (modern replica speedometer) Ford Model T 1909-1927
Reference: T-18002/03
Speedometer drive for Stuart speedometer with adapter (modern replica) Ford Model T 1909-1927
Reference: T-18650-C
Nameplate / data plate / patent plate for chassis number Ford Model T 1909-1927
Reference: T-18652
Ford Detroit nameplate for chassis number Ford Model T 1909-1927
Unfortunately can not be ordered at this time!
Reference: T-3245-Q5
Rivet set for toothed element (quadrant) of handbrake Ford Model T 1909-1927
Unfortunately can not be ordered at this time!
Reference: T-3314-LPB
Brass retaining strap set for canopy holder Ford Model-T 1909-1916 all open vehicles
Reference: T-3314-LPC
Nickel retaining strap set for convertible top holder Ford Model-T 1916-1927 all open vehicles
Reference: T-3314-TBS
Belt set with brass split pin for convertible top linkage Ford Model T 1909-1916
Reference: T-3422-B
Brass rivet set for transmission brake bands or bonnet support band Ford Model T 1909-1927
Reference: T-3500-BR
Brass steering column bracket Ford Model-T 1909-1927 Speedster
Unfortunately can not be ordered at this time!
Reference: T-3513-MBD
Bolt set for steering on sheet metal firewall Ford Model T 1923-1927
Reference: T-3513/14-L-Q1
Brass bolt (long) to attach the steering column Ford Model T 1911-1912
Reference: T-3513/14-S-Q1
Brass bolt (short) to attach the steering column Ford Model T 1909-1910
Reference: T-3546
Wooden block for attaching the steering column to the frame Ford Model T 1909-1927
Reference: T-3588-P-Q2
Canopy mount at front of windshield post Ford Model-T 1923-1927 Touring, Roadster and all open Model-T
Reference: T-3640-41
Holder set for firewall unpainted Ford Model T 1911-1916
Unfortunately can not be ordered at this time!
Reference: T-3858
Support bracket set for convertible top poles Ford Model-T 1909-1922 Roadster
Reference: T-3858-A
Support bracket set for convertible top poles Ford Model-T 1923-1927 Roadster and Touring
Reference: T-3858-T
Support bracket set for convertible top poles Ford Model-T 1909-1922 Touring
Reference: T-3876
Support shell for convertible top rods with 5/8" bore Ford Model T 1909-1912
Reference: T-3876-A
Support shell for convertible top rods with 5/8" bore Ford Model T 1913-1922
Reference: T-3876-BR
Leather strap set with brass hooks for attaching the top to the windshield Ford Model T 1912-1915
Reference: T-3876-LBC
Leather strap set with brass hooks for the rear canopy attachment Ford Model T 1912-1915
Reference: T-3876-NI
Leather strap set with nickel hooks for attaching the top to the windshield Ford Model T 1916-1922
Reference: T-3921-1914
Emblem year gold plated Ford Model T 1914
Unfortunately can not be ordered at this time!
Reference: T-3924-AS
Lower twisted brackets for canopy tension straps set of 2 Ford Model T 1909-1911
Reference: T-3924-BS
Lower brackets for canopy tension straps set of 2 Ford Model T 1909-1911
Reference: T-3929-LOW
Lower mounting sleeve for radiator attachment Ford Model T 1917-1927
Reference: T-4000-BL-BR
Black bonnet strap and brass fittings Ford Model-T 1909-1927 Speedster, Racer etc.
Reference: T-4000-BL-NI
Black bonnet strap and nickel fittings Ford Model-T 1909-1927 Speedster, Racer etc.